Handovers create silos while collaborative agreements promote effective communication and teamwork

Legacy owners and current owners treat the concept of “handover” as the final date when they draw a clear line. It might be the transfer of a process, a product, a service, or an ongoing project from one person or team to another.

We need to understand that the handover process is not a one-time event. It is a dynamic and evolving transfer of responsibilities.

Challenges of a one-time “handover” :

🪧 On January 2023, Team Beta handed over Service Zulu to Team Pie. Kindly direct your queries to them .

  1. Limited Knowledge Transfer: A one-time handover may not allow for a comprehensive knowledge transfer. Critical details and insights are gained with experience and time.
  2. Communication Challenges: Understanding the project’s expected behaviour and efficient issue management takes time. Handing over tasks may lead to miscommunications or unclear expectations. It can hinder the successful execution of the delegated responsibilities.
  3. Quality Concerns: Quality concerns arise when work lacks direct oversight. This can lead to a decline in quality. The delegated party may not adhere to the same standards or level of commitment as the original team.

Advantages of collaborative agreements:

🪧 In February 2023, Team Pie successfully executed and updated Service Zulu. Team Beta transitioned the service. We are confident about our ability to handle this new territory.

Shared Expertise: Collaborative agreements allow for the pooling of diverse skills and expertise. This leads to a more comprehensive approach to problem-solving or project execution. It also makes the approach well-rounded.

Innovation and Creativity: Collaboration often fosters a creative environment. It’s a place where different perspectives and ideas can be shared. This can lead to innovative solutions and approaches. These may not have been possible with a single entity.

Risk Mitigation: Collaborative agreements can help distribute risks among the involved parties. If one party faces challenges, others can step in to provide support.

But what about a time-sensitive handover process when a person resigns or the team gets dissolved?

Individual Resignation:

If the action leads to too much need for documentation, it implies an existing gap. Team needs to avoid knowledge silos in future.

Team dissolution:

In the case of a team dissolution, the transfer of responsibilities should not be a sudden event on a specific day. Instead, it should be a gradual process where one team takes ownership after successfully running essential scenarios. Then the team dissolution date should be planned based on the complexity and size

The mindset of transitioning from handover to collaborative agreements promotes and ensures a smoother transition of responsibilities.

If you have any suggestions or feedback, don’t hesitate to comment or reach out to me via my email at nidasaleem333@gmail.com.

